HSC President Eugene C. Wong has been a successful Attorney and businessman; Mr. Wong’s interest in the science of health has been fostered by a family legacy of medical practitioners, which notably included his physician father. Another of the many family members who chose the medical profession is the executive director of an internationally-known human genome research institute. Through the years, Mr. Wong has become a strong advocate of integrative medicine and has applied its principles to his personal well-being.
In his practice, Mr. Wong has represented clients who have sought a voice to participate in the political freedom afforded by immigration to the United States. His scientific background made for a natural affinity with scientists and engineers searching for immigration support. Further, Mr. Wong’s refugee background gave him compassion for seekers of asylum in the United States. His cases have been publicized worldwide, and he is known, by far, as one of the most prominent immigration lawyers in the United States.
Eugene C. Wong was born in China and came to the United States at the age of twelve as a refugee. He holds an A.B. degree in Biochemistry from the University of California, Berkeley and a J.D. degree from the Antioch School of Law in Washington D.C.